The primary goal of our professionally-trained Care Coaches is to help people in crisis.

The primary goal of our professionally trained Program Coaches is to see life transformation!
Our newly enhanced coaching model is rooted in the belief that we all have unique gifts, purposes, and potential. The model integrates our Christian faith, principles, and values into the coaching process to support clients as they overcome their current crises and barriers; teaching them not just how to make a living, but how to truly live!
It equips individuals to move from a standstill or “stuck” position in life to a place of hopefulness, optimism, and aspiration.
- It’s a dynamic and transformative process, moving individuals through a journey of deep self-awareness.
- It’s a beautiful journey of self-discovery. A new-found belief that what was once just a wish or dream can become a reality.
- They discover their identity and find self-confidence that allows them to gain clarity, enhance their decision-making abilities and build a resilience to overcome obstacles much differently and more effectively in the future.
- It provides a safe and empowering space for clients to explore their values, clarify their goals, and develop actions plans.
- Because IT WORKS!
If you or someone you know is in crisis, or would like to be trained and volunteer as a Program Coach, call 904.297.4052