A Mercy 'full' Summer

Heart4Mercy mercy website (1)

Our clients are working hard this summer to build a sustainable future and regain hope.

How can you encourage them? It's easy!  Contribute to a summer gift basket for their family!

Click on the link below and donate towards the items you want to provide in their basket. We will deliver them in July!  So don't wait!  We want each family to receive a basket this summer season!

  • Afternoon Snacks! $25- Popsicles, Popcorn, Cookies and Crackers, Lemonade Mix, Trail Mix

  • Necessities! $35- Towels, Sunscreen, Bug Spray

  • Fun in the sun items:  $45- Chalk, Bubbles, Outdoor Sports Toys, Outdoor games

  • Games and More! $55- Board games, Coloring Books, Markers, Crossword Puzzles, Puzzles

  • Above and Beyond!  $100- Gift Cards to Movies or Restaurants

  • The Big Kahuna $300- Sponsor an Entire Filled Basket

Got Questions?

Carmen Queen, Development Associate

Email: cqueen@mercysupportservices.org